It’s official! The true price report has landed, the results are in and we are proud to share our findings.
With every product that you buy – traces are left behind.
Coffee is no exception. Co2 emissions, deforestation, and farmer wage exploitation, are just a handful of issues, not included in the final price.
This just isn’t good enough for us.
True price is a new pricing system which incorporates the environmental and social costs associated with a product.
Including these “hidden” costs in the final sales price, to provide our customers with complete price transparency and the opportunity to create a genuinely sustainable impact.
Working towards a sustainable future requires a huge effort from everyone. If we do not act soon, the coffee industry will not survive. With variable climate conditions already affecting global supply and quality. And large imbalances in the supply chain which means that farmers cannot sustain a living wage and are leaving the coffee industry for good.
The true price movement allows you to tackle major issues across the chain. Building a more sustainable coffee industry, for future generations. To keep enjoying the coffee that we all love to drink and celebrating the partners that make us who we are.
Speaking directly with our farmers, we investigate the actual cost of our coffee. Using a methodologically approved and verifiable approach, we demonstrate that our impact is low. Making it possible for you to pay the true price.
We find there is just a ONE CENT price gap for each cup of coffee sold. Which means all YOU have to do is go the extra cent when you drink BOCCA coffee. It is now easier than ever to create sustainable value by drinking speciality coffee!