How much does your cup of coffee cost?

BOCCA x True Price

Bocca x True Price

The beans used for each cup of coffee, have taken their own unique expedition to make their way into your cup. Unfortunately, this journey often has a negative societal and environmental cost. Co2 emissions, water soil and energy use, child labor and farmer wage exploitation are just a handful of issues, which are not reflected in the final price of a cup of coffee. At BOCCA we support innovative strategies, to develop a more transparent supply chain, fronting the movement towards a more sustainable and fair coffee industry.

Working closely in cooperation with BOCCA coffee, social entrepreneur Ariane van Mancius, is set to open the world’s first true price cafe, Het Koffiehuis in Breukelen. The mission of developing a cafe with full price transparency is now a concrete reality.  A space where customers pay the ‘actual’ cost, providing opportunity for customers to pay (otherwise) hidden costs. This additional price premium will support NGOs and charities in remediating the societal costs associated with consumer behavior.

Fair and transparent pricing is extremely important to us here at BOCCA. Discussing the future of the coffee industry, BOCCA founder Menno Simons, explains:

“I’m tired of empty words and fake claims. Everybody claims to be paying a ‘good’ or ‘fair’ price and buying ‘directly’ from the farmer.

Over the past 20 years, there has been a rise of awareness, specialism, and knowledge. I hope to see this trend continue, with a higher emphasis placed on quality, transparency, and sustainability!”

The aim of a true price system is to eventually reduce hidden costs to the point where end consumers no long need to pay a premium on sustainable products. We can’t wait for what’s in store for the future – a more transparent coffee industry!

Suke Quto School Project

How can you support children living in coffee communities?

We want to share with our customers a taste of something extremely important to us. As a B Corp company, we strive to have a positive Impact on the lives of every single individual Involved in the bean-to-cup journey. By buying our coffee, you support children in coffee farming communities of Ethiopia. We donate proceeds from our Ethiopia coffee, to fund the development of schools in the Guji zone of Ethiopia.

For young Individuals living in rural coffee farming communities, education opportunities are often limited. Children are required to work on the farm and public transport options in remote settings are relatively expensive, which create barriers to schooling.

Improving education in coffee farming communities.

For farmers in rural settings of Ethiopia, coffee constitutes a major source of livelihood.

Sudden losses in income force coffee farmers to take their children out of school. As a result, turbulent coffee prices and low wages have implications for children living in coffee farming communities.

Alongside our long-lasting commitment (now for 20 years!) to coffee farmers in the Guji region of Ethiopia, we believe that having good school facilities, is an essential step to providing local children the education that they deserve.

The Suke Quto School Project Continues!

The school project was established by Tesfaye Bedele, owner of Suke Quto farm, and Menno Simons, founding owner of BOCCA. Working closely together, and with the help of everybody buying our coffee, the Suke Quto school project has been a success.

Funding has been used to build various facilities in the near-by Kurume school, including a new department with a library, a toilet, and a new gate. Our quest continues, with the redevelopment of a school in Suke Quto village. Providing infrastructure to allow children to continue their studies beyond 8th grade, facilitating opportunities for young people in the surrounding area.

Making Recycling Bucket-Loads of Fun!

As a certified B Corp company, BOCCA continually strives towards having a positive impact on the environment.

At our coffee shop and in the roastery we develop innovative ways to reuse old materials, to ensure that we have a positive impact on our natural environment.

Have you ever wondered what we do with all the coffee sacks that transport our delicious beans?

To make sure that our bags are reused, we send them off to a nearby tree nursery. The bags are wrapped around the roots of trees to support them in their growth and provide our planet with the glorious oxygen that it deserves.

At our roastery, helping to save our environment is a real TREE-t! 

Keeping Recycling Bucket-Loads of Fun!

As you can probably imagine, we have a lot of left-over coffee … bucket-loads in fact! We collect all our left-over grounds, which are then used in all sorts of wonderful ways.

Whether it’s used for compost or at an Amsterdam-based liqueur company, you can be sure that all our coffee is re-used. Which is very important to us because our beans take a very long journey to get here.

Oh.. and our baristas love to take our leftover coffee home. They say that it works as the best exfoliating facemask!

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